Begin VB.Form GFSkinEngine_PropertyEditfrm
BorderStyle = 1 'Fest Einfach
Caption = "SE Property Edit"
ClientHeight = 5430
ClientLeft = 45
ClientTop = 330
ClientWidth = 8550
Icon = "GFSkinEngine_PropertyEditfrm.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 5430
ScaleWidth = 8550
StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows‑Standard
Begin VB.PictureBox GFListHScrollFontSizePicture
Enabled = 0 'False
Height = 315
Left = 60
ScaleHeight = 17
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 9
TabIndex = 6
Top = 0
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 195
Begin VB.CommandButton SEPE_CancelCommand
Caption = "Cancel"
Height = 375
Left = 5760
TabIndex = 2
Top = 4980
Width = 1335
Begin VB.CommandButton SEPE_OkCommand
Caption = "Ok"
Height = 375
Left = 7140
TabIndex = 3
Top = 4980
Width = 1335
Begin VB.TextBox SEPE_ControlPropertyText
Height = 4350
Left = 3660
MultiLine = ‑1 'True
ScrollBars = 3 'Beides
TabIndex = 1
Top = 300
Width = 4815
Begin VB.ListBox SEPE_ControlNameList
Height = 4935
Left = 60
Sorted = ‑1 'True
TabIndex = 0
Top = 315
Width = 3375
Begin VB.Line Line3
BorderColor = &H80000016&
X1 = 3660
X2 = 8475
Y1 = 4800
Y2 = 4800
Begin VB.Line Line2
BorderColor = &H80000015&
X1 = 3660
X2 = 8460
Y1 = 4785
Y2 = 4785
Begin VB.Line Line1
BorderColor = &H80000016&
X1 = 3555
X2 = 3555
Y1 = 15
Y2 = 5310
Begin VB.Label SEPE_Label1
Caption = "control name:"
Height = 195
Left = 60
TabIndex = 4
Top = 60
Width = 3375
Begin VB.Label SEPE_Label2
Caption = "control properties:"
Height = 195
Left = 3660
TabIndex = 5
Top = 60
Width = 4815
Begin VB.Line SEPE_Line1
BorderColor = &H80000015&
X1 = 3540
X2 = 3540
Y1 = 0
Y2 = 5280
Attribute VB_Name = "GFSkinEngine_PropertyEditfrm"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'(c)2001 by Louis. Part of the GFSkinEngine project.
'NOTE: this form allows the user to edit the properties of all controls in the current SkinDataFile.
'Therefore the current SkinDataFile is copied into a temp file in the current skin's directory.
'Any changes are done to this temp file. When the user presses 'Ok', the temp file is copied into
'the current SkinDataFile. Note that this form should be shown in vbModal state to verify that
'the user cannot change the original SkinDataFile.
Private Declare Function CopyFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CopyFileA" (ByVal lpExistingFileName As String, ByVal lpNewFileName As String, ByVal bFailIfExists As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessageLong Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Type SEPE_TempFileStruct
TempFile As String
End Type
Dim SEPE_TempFileStructVar As SEPE_TempFileStruct
'SEPE_PropertyStringStruct ‑ contains a property string (including Chr$(13) and Chr$(10)) and source information
Private Type SEPE_PropertyStringStruct
PropertyStringStartPos As Long 'position in SkinDataFile
PropertyStringEndPos As Long
PropertyString As String
End Type
Dim SEPE_PropertyStringStructVar As SEPE_PropertyStringStruct
'SEPE_HideControlStruct ‑ used to prevent special controls from being added
Private Type SEPE_HideControlStruct
ControlName As String
End Type
Dim SEPE_HideControlStructNumber As Integer
Dim SEPE_HideControlStructArray() As SEPE_HideControlStruct
Public DisplayPaletteFlag As Boolean 'if True, the sub that opened this form in vbModal state must call SE_DisplayPalette() and reset the flag
Dim ChangesExistingFlag As Boolean 'True if text box content has been changed at least once
Private Sub Form_Load()
'on error resume next
'nothing to do
End Sub
Private Sub SEPE_ControlNameList_Click()
'on error resume next
If Not (SEPE_ControlNameList.ListIndex = True) Then
Call SEPE_ControlPropertyText_LoadProperties(SEPE_ControlNameList.List(SEPE_ControlNameList.ListIndex))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SEPE_OkCommand_Click()
'on error resume next
Call SEPE_Save
Call SEPE_TempFile_Delete 'reset
ChangesExistingFlag = False 'reset
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub SEPE_CancelCommand_Click()
'on error resume next
Call SEPE_TempFile_Delete 'reset
ChangesExistingFlag = False 'reset
Unload Me
End Sub
'************************************SEPE DISPLAYING************************************
'NOTE: the following code makes SE data visible to the user.
Private Sub SEPE_ControlNameList_Reload(ByVal SEControlStructNumber As Integer, ByRef SEControlStructArray() As SEControlStruct)
'on error resume next
Dim StructLoop As Integer
SEPE_ControlNameList.Clear 'reset
For StructLoop = 1 To SEControlStructNumber
If SEPE_HideControl_IsToBeHidden(SEControlStructArray(StructLoop).SEControlName) = False Then
'NOTE: some controls may not be displayed as the user is not allowed to edit their properties.
SEPE_ControlNameList.AddItem SEControlStructArray(StructLoop).SEControlName
End If
Next StructLoop
Call GFListHScroll_AddScrollBars(SEPE_ControlNameList)
End Sub
Public Sub SEPE_ControlNameList_LoadProperties(ByVal ControlName As String)
'on error resume next
Dim TestLoop As Integer
Call SEPE_ControlNameList_Reload(SEControlStructNumber, SEControlStructArray())
For TestLoop = 1 To SEPE_ControlNameList.ListCount
If SEPE_ControlNameList.List(TestLoop ‑ 1) = ControlName Then
SEPE_ControlNameList.ListIndex = TestLoop ‑ 1
Call SEPE_ControlPropertyText_LoadProperties(ControlName)
Exit For
End If
Next TestLoop
End Sub
Private Sub SEPE_ControlPropertyText_LoadProperties(ByVal ControlName As String)
'on error resume next
Dim SEControlStructIndex As Integer
Dim SEControlType As Integer
SEControlStructIndex = GetSEControlStructIndex(ControlName)
If Not (SEControlStructIndex = 0) Then 'verify
SEControlType = SEControlStructArray(SEControlStructIndex).SEControlType
SEControlType = 0 'reset (error)
End If
Call Skin_DecryptFile(SE_GetSkinDataFile)
SEPE_PropertyStringStructVar = SEPE_GetPropertyString(ControlName, SEControlType, SEPE_TempFile_Create(SE_GetSkinDataFile))
Call Skin_EncryptFile(SE_GetSkinDataFile)
SEPE_ControlPropertyText.TEXT = SEPE_PropertyStringStructVar.PropertyString
End Sub
Private Sub SEPE_ControlPropertyText_LostFocus()
'on error resume next
Dim PropertyString As String
Dim TempFile As String 'temporary temp file, not the copy of the SkinDataFile
'NOTE: when this text box loses focus the contained property
'string is written at its original location in the temp file.
If Not ((Dir$(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile) = "") Or (Right$(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, 1) = "\") Or (SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = "")) Then 'verify
If Not (SEPE_ControlPropertyText.TEXT = SEPE_PropertyStringStructVar.PropertyString) Then 'verify changes were made
TempFile = GenerateTempFileName(GetDirectoryName(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile)) 'current skin directory
If Not (TempFile = "") Then 'verify
ChangesExistingFlag = True 'see Form_Unload()
PropertyString = SEPE_ControlPropertyText.TEXT
Call RemoveBorderBelow32(PropertyString)
If Not (Len(PropertyString) = 0) Then PropertyString = PropertyString + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
'NOTE: the PropertyString will contain only one empty lines at its end by default.
'NOTE: if PropertyString is "" then it will be set to Chr$(13) + Chr$(10).
If Not (Left$(PropertyString, 2) = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)) Then PropertyString = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + PropertyString 'verify (see code that reads property string for annotations)
If Not (Right$(PropertyString, 2) = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)) Then PropertyString = PropertyString + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) 'verify (see code that reads property string for annotations)
If ReplaceStringInFile(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, TempFile, PropertyString, SEPE_PropertyStringStructVar.PropertyStringStartPos, SEPE_PropertyStringStructVar.PropertyStringEndPos) = True Then 'verify
If CopyFile(TempFile, SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, 0) = 0 Then GoTo Error: 'verify
If Not ((Dir$(TempFile) = "") Or (Right$(TempFile, 1) = "\") Or (TempFile = "")) Then Kill TempFile
GoTo Error:
End If
GoTo Error:
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "internal error in SEPE_ControlPropertyText_LostFocus() !", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
If Not ((Dir$(TempFile) = "") Or (Right$(TempFile, 1) = "\") Or (TempFile = "")) Then Kill TempFile 'make sure file is deleted
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Function SEPE_GetPropertyString(ByVal ControlName As String, ByVal ControlType As Integer, ByVal SkinDataFile As String) As SEPE_PropertyStringStruct
'on error resume next
Dim SkinDataFileNumber As Integer
Dim SkinDataFileString As String
Dim StartPos As Long
Dim EndPos As Long
Dim Temp As Long
'NOTE: no SkinDataFile property line may begin with '[', except a control name line.
SkinDataFileNumber = FreeFile(0)
If Not ((Dir$(SkinDataFile) = "") Or (Right$(SkinDataFile, 1) = "\") Or (SkinDataFile = "")) Then 'verify
Open SkinDataFile For Binary As #SkinDataFileNumber
SkinDataFileString = String$(LOF(SkinDataFileNumber), Chr$(0))
Get #SkinDataFileNumber, 1, SkinDataFileString
Close #SkinDataFileNumber
StartPos = InStr(1, SkinDataFileString, "[" + ControlName + "]", vbBinaryCompare)
If Not (StartPos = 0) Then
'NOTE: a property string ends at file end, before the next control name
'or, if the control type is not SECONTROLTYPE_PSEUDOCONTROL,
'before a 'system_[...]' line.
'A 'system_[...]' line must not be located right within the properties of a
'control but only after them.
EndPos = InStr(StartPos + 1, SkinDataFileString, Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + "[", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
Temp = InStr(StartPos + 1, SkinDataFileString, Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) + "system_", vbTextCompare) + 1
If Not (Temp = 1) Then 'verify (important)
If Temp < EndPos Then EndPos = Temp
End If
End If
If EndPos = 1 Then EndPos = FileLen(SkinDataFile) 'verify
'NOTE: the returned string is at least Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) when
'there are no properties below the control name.
'When a property string is written into the SkinDataFile, it must be
'bordered by Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) at both sides.
'StartPos points to a Chr$(13) and EndPos to a Chr$(10).
SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringStartPos = StartPos + 2 + Len(ControlName)
SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringEndPos = EndPos
If Not ((SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringEndPos ‑ SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringStartPos) < 0) Then 'verify
SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyString = FormatLine(Mid$(SkinDataFileString, SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringStartPos, (SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringEndPos ‑ SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringStartPos + 1)))
Exit Function 'ok
GoTo Error:
End If
GoTo Error:
End If
GoTo Error:
End If
Exit Function
SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringStartPos = 0 'reset (error)
SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyStringEndPos = 0 'reset (error)
SEPE_GetPropertyString.PropertyString = "" 'reset (error)
Exit Function 'error
End Function
'********************************END OF SEPE DISPLAYING*********************************
'**************************************SEPE SAVING**************************************
'NOTE: the following code applies changes to the current SkinDataFile.
'Changes are done to a temp file until SEPE_Save is called, then the temp file
'is copied into the current skin's SkinDataFile.
Private Function SEPE_TempFile_Create(ByVal SkinDataFile As String) As String
'on error resume next 'returns path to a copy of current SkinDataFile or nothing ("") for error
'NOTE: the temp file is created once only, if it is already existing
'this functions returns the path of the existing temp file.
'Use SEPE_TempFile_Delete before calling this function to create
'a new temp file.
If Not ((Dir$(SkinDataFile) = "") Or (Right$(SkinDataFile, 1) = "\") Or (SkinDataFile = "")) Then 'verify
If SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = "" Then
SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = GenerateTempFileName(GetDirectoryName(SkinDataFile))
If CopyFile(SkinDataFile, SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, 0) = 0 Then GoTo Error: 'verify (do not use FileCopy, does not work correctly on network drives)
End If
If Not (SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = "") Then 'verify
SEPE_TempFile_Create = SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile
GoTo Error:
End If
GoTo Error:
End If
Exit Function
SEPE_TempFile_Create = "" 'reset (error)
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub SEPE_TempFile_Delete()
'on error resume next 'deletes current temp file
If Not ((Dir$(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile) = "") Or (Right$(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, 1) = "\") Or (SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = "")) Then 'verify
Kill SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile
SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = "" 'reset
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SEPE_Save()
'on error resume next
If Not ((Dir$(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile) = "") Or (Right$(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, 1) = "\") Or (SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile = "")) Then
If ChangesExistingFlag = True Then 'check if user made changes
If Not (CopyFile(SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile, SE_GetSkinDataFile, 0) = 0) Then 'verify
Call Skin_EncryptFile(SE_GetSkinDataFile)
DisplayPaletteFlag = True 'global flag, processed by sub that opened this form in vbModal state
Select Case MsgBox("internal error in SEPE_Save() (GFSkinEngine): file copy failed: " + Chr$(10) + SEPE_TempFileStructVar.TempFile + " ‑> " + SE_GetSkinDataFile + " !", vbRetryCancel)
Case vbRetry
GoTo ReDo:
Case vbCancel
'continue, send TempFile to hell
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
'**********************************END OF SEPE SAVING***********************************
'***********************************SEPE HIDE CONTROL***********************************
'NOTE: the target project can call SEPE_HideControl_AddControl() to prevent any special SE control
'from being shown in SEPE_ControlNameList (so that the user cannot edit the control's properties).
'Controls that should not be edited by the user are those which display logos, copyrights, etc.
Public Sub SEPE_HideControl_Add(ByVal ControlName As String)
'on error resume next
Dim StructLoop As Integer
'NOTE: any control that was passed to this sub cannot be edited
'by the user as it will not be displayed in SEPE_ControlNameList.
For StructLoop = 1 To SEPE_HideControlStructNumber
If SEPE_HideControlStructArray(StructLoop).ControlName = ControlName Then 'case sensitive
Exit Sub 'control was already added
End If
Next StructLoop
If Not (SEPE_HideControlStructNumber = 32766) Then 'verify
SEPE_HideControlStructNumber = SEPE_HideControlStructNumber + 1
MsgBox "internal error in SEPE_HideControl_Add() (GFSkinEngine): overflow !", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
Exit Sub 'error
End If
ReDim Preserve SEPE_HideControlStructArray(1 To SEPE_HideControlStructNumber) As SEPE_HideControlStruct
SEPE_HideControlStructArray(SEPE_HideControlStructNumber).ControlName = ControlName
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Function SEPE_HideControl_IsToBeHidden(ByVal ControlName As String) As Boolean
'on error resume next 'returns True if passed control should not appear in SEPE_ControlNameList, False if it should appear there
Dim StructLoop As Integer
For StructLoop = 1 To SEPE_HideControlStructNumber
If SEPE_HideControlStructArray(StructLoop).ControlName = ControlName Then 'case sensitive
SEPE_HideControl_IsToBeHidden = True 'do not allow editing control properties
Exit Function
End If
Next StructLoop
SEPE_HideControl_IsToBeHidden = False 'allow editing control properties
Exit Function
End Function
'*******************************END OF SEPE HIDE CONTROL********************************
'***********************************GENERAL FUNCTIONS***********************************
Private Sub GFListHScroll_AddScrollBars(ByRef TargetList As ListBox)
'on error resume next 'this sub requires GFListHScrollFontSizePicture to be located on current form
Dim TextWidthMax As Long
Dim Temp As Long
GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.Font.Name = TargetList.Font.Name
GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.Font.Size = TargetList.Font.Size
GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.Font.Bold = TargetList.Font.Bold
GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.Font.Italic = TargetList.Font.Italic
GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.Font.Weight = TargetList.Font.Weight
GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.Font.Charset = TargetList.Font.Charset
For Temp = 1 To TargetList.ListCount
If GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.TextWidth(TargetList.List(Temp ‑ 1)) > TextWidthMax Then
TextWidthMax = GFListHScrollFontSizePicture.TextWidth(TargetList.List(Temp ‑ 1))
End If
Next Temp
Call SendMessageLong(TargetList.hwnd, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, TextWidthMax + 15, ByVal 0&) '15 pixels for v scroll bar
End Sub
Private Function GetDirectoryName(ByVal GetDirectoryNameName As String) As String
'On Error Resume Next 'returns chars from string beginning to (including) last backslash or nothing
Dim GetDirectoryNameLoop As Integer
GetDirectoryName = "" 'reset
For GetDirectoryNameLoop = Len(GetDirectoryNameName) To 1 Step (‑1)
If Mid$(GetDirectoryNameName, GetDirectoryNameLoop, 1) = "\" Then
GetDirectoryName = Left$(GetDirectoryNameName, GetDirectoryNameLoop)
Exit For
End If
Next GetDirectoryNameLoop
End Function
Private Sub RemoveBorderBelow32(ByRef InputString As String)
'on error resume next 'use to cut empty lines at a string's start or end; pass short strings only (slow)
If Len(InputString) Then 'verify
Do While Asc(Left$(InputString, 1)) < 32
InputString = Right$(InputString, Len(InputString) ‑ 1)
If Len(InputString) = 0 Then Exit Do 'verify
End If
If Len(InputString) Then 'verify
Do While Asc(Right$(InputString, 1)) < 32
InputString = Left$(InputString, Len(InputString) ‑ 1)
If Len(InputString) = 0 Then Exit Do 'verify
End If
End Sub
Private Function FormatLine(ByVal FormatLineLine As String) As String
'On Error Resume Next 'removes Asc() < 32 at start and end of passed string
FormatLine = FormatLineLine
If Not (FormatLine = "") Then
Do While (Asc(Left$(FormatLine, 1))) < 32
FormatLine = Right$(FormatLine, Len(FormatLine) ‑ 1)
If FormatLine = "" Then Exit Function
Do While (Asc(Right$(FormatLine, 1))) < 32
FormatLine = Left$(FormatLine, Len(FormatLine) ‑ 1)
If FormatLine = "" Then Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function ReplaceStringInFile(ByVal InputName As String, ByVal TempFile As String, ByRef Replace_String As String, ByVal Replace_StartPos As Long, ByVal Replace_EndPos As Long) As Boolean 'used by PPCsys
On Error GoTo Error: 'returns True in case of success, False if an error occurs
Dim InputNameNumber As Integer
Dim TempFileNumber As Integer
'NOTE: use this function to put a string into another at a fixed location.
'Files are used to allow working with large strings without running out of memory.
'The string to change must be written into the file InputName manually, and the
'changed string read out of TempFile. This is not done automatically as sometimes
'strings are not necessary (replace file parts only).
'verify files
If ((Dir$(InputName) = "") Or (Right$(InputName, 1) = "\") Or (InputName = "")) Then
GoTo Error:
End If
If ((Right$(TempFile, 1) = "\") Or (TempFile = "")) Then
GoTo Error:
End If
InputNameNumber = FreeFile(0)
Open InputName For Binary As #InputNameNumber
'verify replace start‑ and end pos
Select Case Replace_StartPos
Case Is < 1
GoTo Error:
Case Is > LOF(InputNameNumber)
GoTo Error:
End Select
Select Case Replace_EndPos
Case Is < Replace_StartPos
GoTo Error:
Case Is > LOF(InputNameNumber)
GoTo Error:
End Select
TempFileNumber = FreeFile(0)
Open TempFile For Output As #TempFileNumber
Dim BlockString As String
Dim BlockStartPos As Long
Dim BlockLength As Long
For BlockStartPos = 1 To (Replace_StartPos ‑ 1) Step 128000
BlockLength = 128000
If (Replace_StartPos ‑ BlockStartPos) < BlockLength Then
BlockLength = (Replace_StartPos ‑ BlockStartPos)
End If
BlockString = String$(BlockLength, Chr$(0))
Get #InputNameNumber, BlockStartPos, BlockString
Print #TempFileNumber, BlockString;
Next BlockStartPos
Print #TempFileNumber, Replace_String;
For BlockStartPos = (Replace_EndPos + 1) To LOF(InputNameNumber) Step 128000
BlockLength = 128000
If (LOF(InputNameNumber) ‑ BlockStartPos + 1) < BlockLength Then
BlockLength = (LOF(InputNameNumber) ‑ BlockStartPos + 1)
End If
BlockString = String$(BlockLength, Chr$(0))
Get #InputNameNumber, BlockStartPos, BlockString
Print #TempFileNumber, BlockString;
Next BlockStartPos
Close #TempFileNumber
Close #InputNameNumber
ReplaceStringInFile = True 'default (no error)
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
On Error Resume Next 'important
Close #TempFileNumber
Close #InputNameNumber
ReplaceStringInFile = False 'error
Exit Function
End Function
Private Function GenerateTempFileName(ByVal TempFilePath As String) As String
'On Error Resume Next 'returns name of a non‑existing file in TempFilePath, file name has following format: ########.tmp
Dim GenerateTempFileTemp As Integer
If (Not (Right$(TempFilePath, 1) = "\")) And (Not (TempFilePath = "")) Then
TempFilePath = TempFilePath + "\"
End If
GenerateTempFileName = TempFilePath + Format$((Rnd(1) * 1E+08!), "00000000") + ".tmp"
GenerateTempFileTemp = GenerateTempFileTemp + 1 'just to make sure
Loop Until (Dir$(GenerateTempFileName) = "") Or (GenerateTempFileTemp = 32767)
End Function
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
'on error resume next
If ChangesExistingFlag = True Then
ChangesExistingFlag = False 'reset
If MsgBox("Save changes ?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation) = vbYes Then
Call SEPE_Save
End If
End If
Call SEPE_TempFile_Delete 'reset
Me.Visible = False
Me.Enabled = False
End Sub