Attribute VB_Name = "GFCompression_Huffmanmod"
Option Explicit
'(c)2001 by Louis.
Private Declare Function DLLHuffman_CompressString Lib "cmprss10.dll" Alias "Huffman_CompressString" (ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray As Any, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString As Any, ByVal CompressedStringLength As Long, ByRef CompressedString As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function DLLHuffman_DecompressString Lib "cmprss10.dll" Alias "Huffman_DecompressString" (ByRef HuffmanDecompressStructArray As Any, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString As Any, ByVal BitReadStartPos As Long, ByVal OutputByteStringLength As Long, ByRef OutputByteString As Any) As Long
'general use
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
'NOTE: the Huffman compression assigns shorter bit codes to chars that appear
'with a high frequency in the string to compress, and longer bit codes to chars that
'appear with a low frequency.
'The HT_CodeStringStruct contains the chars and the related bit code length and the
'bit code itself.
'The HT_CodeStringStruct is temporarily used to create the HT_CodeStringStruct.
'Every char of the char set (code 0 ‑ 255) gets a bit code assigned.
'The compressed string has the following format:
'F: original string (file) length
'T: total length (bytes) of all bit codes (code 0 ‑ 255)
'B: length (bits) of related bit code
'C: bit code
'X: compressed string
'T + B + C: HuffmanTreeCode[String/ByteString]
Public Function Huffman_CompressString(ByRef ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte) As Boolean
'on error resume next
Dim HT_CodeStringStructNumber As Integer
Dim HT_CodeStringStructArray(0 To 255) As HT_CodeStringStruct
Dim HT_CharInfoStructVar As HT_CharInfoStruct
Dim CompressedStringLength As Long
Dim CompressedString() As Byte
Dim CompressedStringIndex As Long
Dim TreeByteStringLength As Long
Dim TreeByteString() As Byte
Dim InputByteStringLength As Long
'end of compression
Dim ByteStringLengthUnchanged As Long
Dim GFCompressionHeaderStructVar As GFCompressionHeaderStruct
Dim Temp As Long
Dim Tempdbl#
ByteStringLengthUnchanged = ByteStringLength
'create Huffman tree struct
HT_CodeStringStructNumber = 256 'preset
Call HTCS_HT_CodeStringStruct_Define(ByteStringLength, ByteString(), HT_CharInfoStructVar, HT_CodeStringStructNumber, HT_CodeStringStructArray())
'calculate length of the compressed data
For Temp = 0 To 255
Tempdbl# = Tempdbl# + _
CDbl(HT_CharInfoStructVar.CharFrequencyArray(Temp)) * _
Next Temp
CompressedStringLength = CLng(‑Int(‑(Tempdbl# / 8#)))
If Not (CompressedStringLength = 0) Then
ReDim CompressedString(1 To CompressedStringLength) As Byte
GoTo Error:
End If
'compress input string
If IsVCCompressionAvailable = True Then
Call Huffman_CompressString_VC(HT_CodeStringStructArray(), ByteStringLength, ByteString(), CompressedStringLength, CompressedString())
Call Huffman_CompressString_VB(HT_CodeStringStructArray(), ByteStringLength, ByteString(), CompressedStringLength, CompressedString())
End If
'create the Huffman tree code string
Call HTCS_TreeCodeByteString_Define(HT_CodeStringStructArray(), TreeByteStringLength, TreeByteString())
'create the final compressed string
InputByteStringLength = ByteStringLength
ByteStringLength = 4 + CompressedStringLength + TreeByteStringLength
ReDim ByteString(1 To ByteStringLength) As Byte
Call CopyMemory(ByteString(1), InputByteStringLength, 4)
Call CopyMemory(ByteString(5), TreeByteString(1), TreeByteStringLength)
Call CopyMemory(ByteString(5 + TreeByteStringLength), CompressedString(1), CompressedStringLength)
'add GFCompressionHeader
If GFCompressionHeader_Preset(GFCompressionHeaderStructVar) = False Then GoTo Error:
If GFCompressionHeader_Write(ByteStringLength, ByteString(), ByteStringLength, ByteStringLengthUnchanged) = False Then GoTo Error:
Huffman_CompressString = True 'ok
Exit Function
Huffman_CompressString = False 'error
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub Huffman_CompressString_VC(ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray() As HT_CodeStringStruct, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte, ByVal CompressedStringLength As Long, ByRef CompressedString() As Byte)
'on error resume next
Call DLLHuffman_CompressString(HT_CodeStringStructArray(0), ByteStringLength, ByteString(1), CompressedStringLength, CompressedString(1))
End Sub
Private Sub Huffman_CompressString_VB(ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray() As HT_CodeStringStruct, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte, ByVal CompressedStringLength As Long, ByRef CompressedString() As Byte)
'on error resume next
Dim CompressedStringBitWritePos As Long
Dim CompressedStringIndex As Long
Dim Temp1 As Long
Dim Temp2 As Long
For Temp1 = 1& To ByteStringLength
'NOTE: CompressedStringBitWritePos indendicates the bit in
'CompressedString() where the next code string is to be 'added'.
For Temp2 = 1& To HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength
CompressedStringBitWritePos = CompressedStringBitWritePos + 1&
If (HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2)) Then
'NOTE: earlier 'down‑converting' is faster:
'a = CLng((9# ‑ 1#) / 8# + 1#) 'slower
'a = CLng((9# ‑ 1#) / 8#) + 1& 'faster
CompressedStringIndex = ((CompressedStringBitWritePos ‑ 1&) \ 8&) + 1&
' CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = _
' CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
' Or _
' HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * _
' (2& ^ (7& ‑ ((CompressedStringBitWritePos + 7&) Mod 8&)))
'NOTE: Mod is much faster than Select Case (tested).
'NOTE: copying Byte vars to Long vars before using Or did NOT increase speed.
'NOTE: as 2 ^ is much slower than a Select Case statement checking
'8 values we use the Select Case statement:
Select Case (CompressedStringBitWritePos Mod 8&)
Case 1& 'propability is the same for every value
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 128& '2 ^ 7 = 128
Case 2&
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 64& '2 ^ 6 = 64
Case 3&
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 32& '2 ^ 5 = 32
Case 4&
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 16& '2 ^ 4 = 16
Case 5&
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 8& '2 ^ 3 = 8
Case 6&
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 4& '2 ^ 2 = 4
Case 7&
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) * 2& '2 ^ 1 = 1
Case 0& 'as we removed '+ 7&' (see original calculation that is commented out) things get mysterious and we must use 0 and not 8 here
CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) = CompressedString(CompressedStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray(Temp2) '* 1& '2 ^ 0 = 1
End Select
End If
Next Temp2
Next Temp1
End Sub
Public Function Huffman_DecompressString(ByRef ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte, ByRef BlockLengthProcessed As Long) As Boolean
'on error resume next 'returns True for success or False for error
Dim HT_CodeStringStructNumber As Integer
Dim HT_CodeStringStructArray(0 To 255) As HT_CodeStringStruct
Dim HT_TreeStringStructVar As HT_TreeStringStruct
Dim HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(0 To 255) As HTDC_CodeStringStruct
Dim OutputStringStartPos As Long 'start pos of decompressed string in compressed string (after tree data)
Dim OutputByteStringLength As Long
Dim OutputByteString() As Byte
Dim GFCompressionHeaderStructVar As GFCompressionHeaderStruct
If GFCompressionHeader_Preset(GFCompressionHeaderStructVar) = False Then GoTo Error:
If GFCompressionHeader_Read(ByteStringLength, ByteString(), GFCompressionHeaderStructVar.BlockLengthCompressed, GFCompressionHeaderStructVar.BlockLengthOriginal) = False Then GoTo Error:
If GFCompressionHeader_Remove(ByteStringLength, ByteString(), GFCompressionHeaderStructVar, BlockLengthProcessed) = False Then GoTo Error:
'retain Huffman tree containing char codes
HT_CodeStringStructNumber = 256
Call HTDC_HT_TreeStringStructVar_Define(HT_TreeStringStructVar, ByteStringLength, ByteString())
Call HTDC_HT_CodeStringStruct_Define(HT_CodeStringStructArray(), HT_TreeStringStructVar)
Call HTDC_CodeStringStruct_Define(HT_CodeStringStructArray(), HTDC_CodeStringStructArray())
'NOTE: HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(0) contains the shortest,
'HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(255) the longest bit code.
'Note that the shortest bit code will also appear the most frequently so
'that the decompression becomes fast.
Call CopyMemory(OutputByteStringLength, ByteString(1), 4) 'get decompressed string length
ReDim OutputByteString(1 To OutputByteStringLength) As Byte
OutputStringStartPos = 4 + 4 + HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringLength + 1 'ok
'decompress string
If IsVCCompressionAvailable = True Then
Call Huffman_DecompressString_VC(HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(), ByteStringLength, ByteString(), _
(OutputStringStartPos * 8), OutputByteStringLength, OutputByteString())
Call Huffman_DecompressString_VB(HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(), ByteStringLength, ByteString(), _
(OutputStringStartPos * 8), OutputByteStringLength, OutputByteString())
End If
'create final, decompressed return string
ByteStringLength = OutputByteStringLength
ReDim ByteString(1 To OutputByteStringLength) As Byte
Call CopyMemory(ByteString(1), OutputByteString(1), OutputByteStringLength) 'transfer decompressed string
Huffman_DecompressString = True 'ok
Exit Function
Huffman_DecompressString = False 'error
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub Huffman_DecompressString_VC(ByRef HTDC_CodeStringStructArray() As HTDC_CodeStringStruct, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte, ByVal BitReadStartPos As Long, ByVal OutputByteStringLength As Long, ByRef OutputByteString() As Byte)
'on error resume next
Call DLLHuffman_DecompressString(HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(0), ByteStringLength, ByteString(1), BitReadStartPos, OutputByteStringLength, OutputByteString(1))
End Sub
Private Sub Huffman_DecompressString_VB(ByRef HTDC_CodeStringStructArray() As HTDC_CodeStringStruct, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte, ByVal BitReadStartPos As Long, ByVal OutputByteStringLength As Long, ByRef OutputByteString() As Byte)
'on error resume next
Dim CodeBufLength As Long
Dim CodeBufArray(1 To 256) As Byte 'current code from input string
Dim ByteStringIndex As Long
Dim ByteStringLong As Long 'part of ByteString()
Dim BitReadPos As Long
Dim Temp1 As Long
Dim Temp2 As Long
Dim Temp3 As Long
Dim Temp4 As Long
BitReadPos = BitReadStartPos
For Temp1 = 1& To OutputByteStringLength
'Temp1 = write pos into output string
For Temp2 = 1& To 2048& 'read up to 256 chars (2048 bits) into CodeBufArray()
'Temp2 = write pos into buffer array
BitReadPos = BitReadPos + 1&
ByteStringIndex = ((BitReadPos ‑ 1&) \ 8&)
'If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And (2& ^ (7& ‑ ((BitReadPos + 7&) Mod 8&)))) Then
'NOTE: copying Byte vars to Long vars before using And did NOT increase speed.
Select Case BitReadPos Mod 8&
Case 1&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 128&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 2&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 64&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 3&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 32&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 4&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 16&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 5&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 8&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 6&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 4&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 7&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 2&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 0&
If (ByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 1&) Then
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 1
CodeBufArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
End Select
For Temp3 = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).StartIndexArray(Temp2) To HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).EndIndexArray(Temp2) 'check out if string in CodeBufArray() is equal to any of the existing non‑zero char strings
'NOTE: HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(x).NonZeroLengthCharCodeNumber is constant for all x.
If (Temp2 = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp3).CharCodeArrayLength) Then 'Temp2 is the current code string length
For Temp4 = 1& To HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp3).CharCodeArrayLength 'check all chars of code
If Not (HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp3).CharCodeArray(Temp4) = CodeBufArray(Temp4)) Then
GoTo Skip:
End If
Next Temp4
OutputByteString(Temp1) = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp3).Char
GoTo Jump:
End If
Next Temp3
Next Temp2
Next Temp1
End Sub
'************************************END OF HUFFMAN*************************************