Attribute VB_Name = "GFCompression_HuffmanTreemod"
Option Explicit
'(c)2001 by Louis. Code to create and handle a Huffman tree.
'NOTE: as the structure types of these module are participated in
'rather complicated operations detailed descriptions are given.
'HT is a short form for HuffmanTree.
'If the name of a structure type has the prefix CS then this type
'is only to be used for compressing a string, if its name has the prefix
'DC then this type is only to be used for decompressing a string.
'general use
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
'NOTE: this structure contains information about a char's frequency
'in the uncompressed string. Generally the frequency of a char
'is one of the most important information for creating a Huffman tree.
Public Type HT_CharInfoStruct
CharArray(0 To 255) As Byte
CharFrequencyArray(0 To 255) As Long
End Type
'NOTE: this structure is temporarily used to fill HT_CodeStringStruct.
Public Type HT_CodeStringCreationStruct
ByteStringLength As Long
ByteString(1 To 256) As Byte
ByteStringFrequency As Long 'cannot exceed max. input byte string length
End Type
'NOTE: the following structure contains the final code strings
'of the chars used in the input string.
'ByteString(x) can either be 0 or 1 for any x.
Public Type HT_CodeStringStruct
CodeLength As Long
CodeArray(1 To 256) As Byte 'code string length should not exceed (256 / 2) bytes
End Type
'NOTE: the following structure stores the Huffman tree code string,
'i.e. the byte string that was created out of all available code strings.
Public Type HT_TreeStringStruct
TreeByteStringBitCount As Long
TreeByteStringLength As Long
TreeByteString() As Byte
End Type
Public Type HTDC_CodeStringStruct
Char As Byte
CharCodeArrayLength As Long
CharCodeArray(1 To 256) As Byte
StartIndexArray(0 To 255) As Long
EndIndexArray(0 To 255) As Long
End Type
'*******************************HUFFMANTREE: COMPRESSION********************************
Public Sub HTCS_HT_CodeStringStruct_Define(ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte, ByRef HT_CharInfoStructVar As HT_CharInfoStruct, ByVal HT_CodeStringStructNumber As Integer, ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray() As HT_CodeStringStruct)
'on error resume next 'creates a Huffman tree, see annotations in code for further information; HT_CodeStringStructNumber is ignored (should be 256)
Dim HuffmanCharStructArray(0 To 255) As HT_CodeStringCreationStruct
Dim HuffmanCharStructVar As HT_CodeStringCreationStruct 'everything's 0, used for resetting
Dim CharFrequencyMax As Double
Dim LastUsedIndex As Long 'last used HuffmanCharStructArray() (where byte string frequency is not 0)
Dim TempHuffmanCharStruct As HT_CodeStringCreationStruct
Dim TempByte As Byte
Dim Temp1 As Long
Dim Temp2 As Long
'NOTE: this sub also initializes the passed structures, use their
'information in the further compressing process.
'NOTE: view Huffman ([1‑4]).htm for further information.
'The information provided there is not so good, but sufficient.
'initialize structure
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1).ByteStringLength = 1&
HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1).ByteString(1) = CByte(Temp1)
HT_CharInfoStructVar.CharArray(Temp1) = CByte(Temp1)
Next Temp1
'preset char frequency
For Temp1 = 1& To ByteStringLength
HuffmanCharStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).ByteStringFrequency = _
HuffmanCharStructArray(ByteString(Temp1)).ByteStringFrequency + 1&
HT_CharInfoStructVar.CharFrequencyArray(ByteString(Temp1)) = _
Next Temp1
'create Huffman tree
'sort strings by their frequency, HuffnanCharStructArray(0) contains the char that appears the most frequent
Temp2 = 0& 'reset
LastUsedIndex = 255& 'preset
'get highest frequency
CharFrequencyMax = 0& 'reset
For Temp1 = Temp2 To 255&
If HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1).ByteStringFrequency > CharFrequencyMax Then
CharFrequencyMax = HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1).ByteStringFrequency
End If
Next Temp1
'put all chars with current highest frequency 'at front' (Temp2)
For Temp1 = Temp2 To 255&
If HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1).ByteStringFrequency = CharFrequencyMax Then
If Not (Temp1 = Temp2) Then 'verify exchanging is necessary
'exchange Temp1 with Temp2
Call CopyMemory(TempHuffmanCharStruct, HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp2), Len(TempHuffmanCharStruct))
Call CopyMemory(HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp2), HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1), Len(HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1)))
Call CopyMemory(HuffmanCharStructArray(Temp1), TempHuffmanCharStruct, Len(TempHuffmanCharStruct))
End If
If CharFrequencyMax > 0& Then LastUsedIndex = Temp2
Temp2 = Temp2 + 1&
End If
Next Temp1
If Not (Temp2 = 256&) Then GoTo ReDo: 'will become 256 in any case (even if CharFrequencyMax is 0)
If Not (LastUsedIndex > 0&) Then Exit Do 'finished if only one byte string with related code string is existing (note that index is 0 based)
'NOTE: the array was ordered so that the string that appears the most frequent comes first.
'Note that you can generally say 'char' instead of 'string' for the first loop run.
'NOTE: the two strings with the lowest frequency are token, and their frequency
'chars and code is added and the result is stored it in the structure of the first string.
'The second structure is reset and may not be used anymore.
'1st structure content:
'2nd structure content:
'new 1st structure content:
'When the two strings with the lowest frequency are combined
'the structure is sorted again.
'NOTE: when the two code strings are combined.
'The following rules are important:
'The code array related to 'LastUsedIndex' is always extended by a '0'
'and the code array related to 'LastUsedIndex ‑ 1' is extended by a '1'.
'The new code bits are appended to the existing code string,
'note that the original direction is REVERSED, so the code strings
'must be swapped at the end of this sub.
For Temp1 = 1& To HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteStringLength
'add one further code bit
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength = _
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength + 1&
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray( _
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength) = 0& 'zero
Next Temp1
For Temp1 = 1& To HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteStringLength
'add one further code bit
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength = _
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength + 1&
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeArray( _
HT_CodeStringStructArray(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1).ByteString(Temp1)).CodeLength) = 1& 'one
Next Temp1
'NOTE: first copy string, then change length information.
Call CopyMemory(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteString(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteStringLength + 1&), _
HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteString(1), HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteStringLength)
HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteStringLength = _
HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteStringLength + HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteStringLength
HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteStringFrequency = _
HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex ‑ 1&).ByteStringFrequency + HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex).ByteStringFrequency
'reset second structure content
Call CopyMemory(HuffmanCharStructArray(LastUsedIndex), HuffmanCharStructVar, Len(HuffmanCharStructVar))
'NOTE: to check if the created tree is correct you take a piece of paper,
'mark a starting point and go to the left for 0 or to the right for 1.
'If a tree with no missing or surplus branches appears, everything's alright.
'swap code strings
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
For Temp2 = 1& To (HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength \ 2&) '\, not /
TempByte = HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2)
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength ‑ Temp2 + 1&)
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength ‑ Temp2 + 1&) = TempByte
Next Temp2
Next Temp1
'end of creating Huffman tree struct
End Sub
Public Function HTCS_TreeCodeByteString_Define(ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray() As HT_CodeStringStruct, ByRef TreeCodeByteStringLength As Long, ByRef TreeCodeByteString() As Byte) As String
'on error resume next 'returns a byte string containing the data of the created Huffman tree, and additional length information
Dim TreeCodeLengthTotal As Long 'length (in bytes) of all bit codes
Dim ByteStringBitWritePos As Long
Dim ByteStringIndex As Long
Dim Temp1 As Long
Dim Temp2 As Long
Dim TempByte As Byte
'calculate length of final return string
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
TreeCodeLengthTotal = TreeCodeLengthTotal + _
Next Temp1
TreeCodeByteStringLength = 4& + 256& + (‑Int(‑TreeCodeLengthTotal / 8&))
ReDim TreeCodeByteString(1 To TreeCodeByteStringLength) As Byte
'add code string length information
Call CopyMemory(TreeCodeByteString(1), TreeCodeLengthTotal, 4)
'add code length information
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
TempByte = CByte(HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength)
Call CopyMemory(ByVal VarPtr(TreeCodeByteString(5 + Temp1)), TempByte, 1)
Next Temp1
'add codes itself
ByteStringBitWritePos = (4& * 8&) + (256& * 8&)
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
'NOTE: ByteStringBitWritePos indendicates the bit in
'TreeCodeByteString() where the next code string is to be 'added'.
For Temp2 = 1& To HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength
ByteStringBitWritePos = ByteStringBitWritePos + 1&
If Not (HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0) Then
'NOTE: I must admit that this is the first time I regret that I don't use C++.
ByteStringIndex = ((ByteStringBitWritePos ‑ 1&) \ 8&) + 1& '\, not /
'TreeCodeByteString( _
' ByteStringIndex) = _
'TreeCodeByteString( _
' ByteStringIndex) _
' Or _
' HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * _
' (2& ^ (7& ‑ CLng(((ByteStringBitWritePos + 7#) Mod 8#))))
Select Case (ByteStringBitWritePos Mod 8&)
Case 1& 'propability is the same for every value
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 128& '2 ^ 7 = 128
Case 2&
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 64& '2 ^ 6 = 64
Case 3&
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 32& '2 ^ 5 = 32
Case 4&
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 16& '2 ^ 4 = 16
Case 5&
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 8& '2 ^ 3 = 8
Case 6&
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 4& '2 ^ 2 = 4
Case 7&
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) * 2& '2 ^ 1 = 1
Case 0& 'as we removed '+ 7&' (see original calculation that is commented out) things get mysterious and we must use 0 and not 8 here
TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) = TreeCodeByteString(ByteStringIndex) _
Or HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) '* 1& '2 ^ 0 = 1
End Select
End If
Next Temp2
Next Temp1
'end of creating code string
End Function
'****************************END OF HUFFMANTREE: COMPRESSION****************************
'******************************HUFFMANTREE: DECOMPRESSION*******************************
Public Sub HTDC_HT_TreeStringStructVar_Define(ByRef HT_TreeStringStructVar As HT_TreeStringStruct, ByVal ByteStringLength As Long, ByRef ByteString() As Byte)
'on error resume next
If Not (ByteStringLength < 4) Then
Call CopyMemory(HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringBitCount, ByteString(5), 4)
HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringLength = 256 + ‑Int(‑HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringBitCount / 8)
ReDim HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteString(1 To HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringLength) As Byte
Call CopyMemory(HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteString(1), ByteString(9), HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringLength)
HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringLength = 0 'reset (error)
HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteStringBitCount = 0 'reset (error)
ReDim HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteString(1 To 1) As Byte 'reset (error)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub HTDC_HT_CodeStringStruct_Define(ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray() As HT_CodeStringStruct, ByRef HT_TreeStringStructVar As HT_TreeStringStruct)
'on error resume next
Dim ByteStringIndex As Long
Dim BitReadPos As Long
Dim Temp1 As Long
Dim Temp2 As Long
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength = CLng(HT_TreeStringStructVar.TreeByteString(Temp1 + 1&))
Next Temp1
BitReadPos = (256& * 8&)
With HT_TreeStringStructVar
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
For Temp2 = 1& To HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength
BitReadPos = BitReadPos + 1&
ByteStringIndex = ((BitReadPos ‑ 1&) \ 8&) + 1& '\, not /
'If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And (2 ^ (7 ‑ ((BitReadPos + 7) Mod 8)))) Then
' HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
' HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
'End If
Select Case BitReadPos Mod 8&
Case 1&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 128&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 2&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 64&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 3&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 32&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 4&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 16&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 5&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 8&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 6&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 4&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
Case 7&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 2&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1&
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0&
End If
Case 0&
If (.TreeByteString(ByteStringIndex) And 1&) Then
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 1
HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(Temp2) = 0
End If
End Select
Next Temp2
Next Temp1
End With
End Sub
Public Sub HTDC_CodeStringStruct_Define(ByRef HT_CodeStringStructArray() As HT_CodeStringStruct, ByRef HTDC_CodeStringStructArray() As HTDC_CodeStringStruct)
'on error resume next
Dim CodeLengthMin As Long
Dim CodeLengthMayBeZeroFlag As Boolean
Dim NonZeroLengthCharCodeNumber As Integer
Dim TempHTDC_CodeStringStruct As HTDC_CodeStringStruct
Dim Temp1 As Long
Dim Temp2 As Long
'NOTE: this sub sorts the items if the tree code struct
'and transfers them to the decompress struct (tree code struct will stay unchanged).
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).Char = CByte(Temp1)
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength = HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeLength
Call CopyMemory(HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArray(1), HT_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CodeArray(1), 256)
Next Temp1
'NOTE: now sort the codes so that the longest is located at 'the beginning'.
Temp2 = 0& 'preset
CodeLengthMin = 256& ^ 3& 'reset
For Temp1 = Temp2 To 255&
If CodeLengthMayBeZeroFlag = False Then
If (HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength < CodeLengthMin) And _
(HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength > 0&) Then
CodeLengthMin = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength
End If
If HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength < CodeLengthMin Then
CodeLengthMin = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength
End If
End If
Next Temp1
If CodeLengthMin = 256& ^ 3& Then
CodeLengthMayBeZeroFlag = True
GoTo ReDo: 'place all zero‑length code strings at end of structure array now
End If
If CodeLengthMayBeZeroFlag = False Then 'still searching for non‑zero length code strings
NonZeroLengthCharCodeNumber = NonZeroLengthCharCodeNumber + 1
End If
For Temp1 = Temp2 To 255&
'NOTE: the code strings of the structure will be compared with the char code
'buffer when decompressing. As the shortest string appears the most frequent
'it should be located at the beginning of the structure array to avoid useless
'looping as far as possible. Code strings with the length 0 must all (!) be located
'at the end of the structure array.
If HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength = CodeLengthMin Then
If Not (Temp1 = Temp2) Then
TempHTDC_CodeStringStruct = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1)
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1) = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp2)
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp2) = TempHTDC_CodeStringStruct
End If
Temp2 = Temp2 + 1&
If Not (Temp2 = 256&) Then
GoTo ReDo:
End If
End If
Next Temp1
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).StartIndexArray(Temp1) = 0&
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).EndIndexArray(Temp1) = ‑1&
Next Temp1
Temp2 = 0& 'reset
For Temp1 = 0& To 255&
If Not (HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength = Temp2) Then
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).EndIndexArray(Temp2) = (Temp1 ‑ 1&)
Temp2 = HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(Temp1).CharCodeArrayLength
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).StartIndexArray(Temp2) = Temp1
If Temp1 = 255& Then
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).EndIndexArray(Temp2) = 255&
End If
End If
Next Temp1
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).StartIndexArray(0) = 0&
HTDC_CodeStringStructArray(1).EndIndexArray(0) = ‑1&
End Sub
'***************************END OF HUFFMANTREE: DECOMPRESSION***************************